रविवार, 31 मई 2020

52 Cruelities On GodKabir

Emperor of Delhi, Sikandar Lodhi's Peer Sheikh Taki said that he will consider Kabir Saheb as Allah only when he brings alive his dead girl who is buried in the grave. Kabir Parmeshwar Ji, with his powers, raised the girl alive in front of thousands of people and named her Kamali. God Kabir is supreme.Attempt to kill Kabir Saheb by poisonous scorpions

On the orders of Sheikhtaki, the soldiers filled many scorpions in the basket and went to the court of King Sikandar Lodhi where Kabir Saheb was doing satsang.Then the soldiers started leaving the scorpion on Kabir Saheb but all the scorpions disappeared before reaching Kabir Saheb. Seeing this, all the people were surprised and greeted Kabir Saheb.

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